Dienstag, März 21, 2006

I find it obnoxious/arbitrary that the University's Inter-Library Loan web site will only allow me to have 10 open requests, meaning that the next five will have to wait until I actually receive an item.... I can understand limiting the total number of requests per person, but only 10? That's just plain stupid.

Edit: The ILL (bad acronym, right?) staff is really asking for it. Don't make me come over there and draw butts on your refridgerators, you guys.
Due to various climatological, sleep-related, time-management and professional aggravations, I was in a really bad mood until a few minutes ago. But then I cranked up the Arabic Groove to volumes that, although unappreciable in type, definitely annoy my neighbors. And then I drew a butt on the fridge. Listening to Hisham Abbas (Intil Wahee-ee-ee-ee-ee-e-da!), knowing that the next person to walk into my kitchen will be mooned by an appliance, I did actually crack a smile. (But I'm still grumpy....)

A different fridge Butt.

Mittwoch, März 15, 2006

Jim gives me far too much credit in his post, but the essentials are correct. I do feel passionately about wanting to change the world. If you are planning to send me to Germany to teach English, I have probably lied to you, so please do not read this.

Samstag, März 11, 2006

My day in reverse:

  1. The baseball stadium is only a block from my apartment, so I went over to watch the team beat Quinnipiyuck 10-4. The reliever got a walk-up homer, so that should indicate the level of drama the spectators were spared. Still, a good solid game.
  2. Got home from working on my thesis all day to find that my roommate, who had been in town all of three hours, had left the door unlocked, his ID and a mess on the table, half the kitchen cabinets open, his guitar on the living room floor, and a plate on his bedroom floor. Needless to say, the tornado effect left me spinning. Also, he threw out a perfectly good slug of lettuce. (Or he ate it, which is kinda scary. That was a lot of lettuce.)
  3. Had coffee and a bagel at the coffee shop. Agreed to meet Moriah for drinks and music tomorrow night.
  4. Went to the library to work on my thesis. Tried to track down maps of Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan. Had mild luck with Northwestern University's catalog, but nothing amazing found (yet). Did get 2-foot square (1:500,000) maps from the sixties, though. It cost more money than I care to mention to get them photocopied at Kinkos. I am starting to dislike that place....
  5. Went swimming, per usual. May have a case of swimmer's ear, which is responding to ibuprofen. *Yay*
  6. Thesis. And Adam delivered a bunch of computers that we fixed up as a charity project for my buddy/colleague/partner in crime Thomas. Everything came through pretty well, except for some punctuation issues. And we should deliver them sometime next week.
  7. Food got cold while I made toast and coffee.
  8. Made eggs for breakfast.
  9. Woke up.

This has all been a means of procrastinating on doing more thesis before I go to bed. I don't know why I thought I could pull this off in one semester....