Montag, November 01, 2004

Certain Recent Events


Goddammit, if you're reading this, chances are you're an Imperial. And if this is the case, you had better do or have done one of the following:
1) Vote tomorrow. No excuses.
2) Already have voted via absentee ballot/early voting/etc.

Need a reason? Sex.

It really does not matter to me who you vote for. Either way, the Empire is on the wax, and I have no particular faith in one candidate over the other to return the Empire to an even-handed foreign policy. Regardless, this is certainly the most contentious and dirty election cycle in recent memory, and that means you should go out to the polls and show support for something. Just for fun, pretend that you have an informed, self-reflective opinion.

In Other Rants

NB3 is no longer closed due to disease. Unfortunately, this means that the sign is gone, as well. So, no fun translation practice. Sorry kids; better luck next time.

So Long and Thanks for all the Profanity

Sorry about the above profanity, but I'm all riled up about tomorrow night. It's truly frightening. I'm all jittery with foreboding....

Thank God for This Alcohol which will be Provided [to] Us

Election night party in the Fernsehraum tomorrow night. Alcohol will either comfort us in defeat or lubricate the largest festival in recent TV-Room memory.