Fun with Sociology, Part II
There's some stuff that I just couldn't sell in the move, so I'm doing the fun thing and giving it away as Shareware.
Next to the Pile of Stuff, I will be placing a note, inviting people to give me money for things they might take. Let's see if anybody is willing to pay for some of this stuff.
Alles Hier Frei zu Nehmen!
Liebe Mitbewohnerinnen/Mitbewohner,
Der hier gestellte Rest ist Shareware. Bitte nehmen was Sie wollen, entweder für Ihre persönliche Gebrauch oder weiter zu verkaufen.
Soll etwas Ihnen möglicherweise besonders gefallen, dann bitte ich Sie um einer kleiner, nicht erfordernden Spende.
--Vielen Dank und alles Beste,
[Konto-Nr., BLZ, Kreditinstitution]
My guess is that I'll get maybe one, but more likely no, donations. This is a student building, and people here are big fans of free. On the other hand, they are people I know well, so there may be a personal proximity factor at work that may encourage them to give a couple Euros. Time will tell.
There's some stuff that I just couldn't sell in the move, so I'm doing the fun thing and giving it away as Shareware.
Next to the Pile of Stuff, I will be placing a note, inviting people to give me money for things they might take. Let's see if anybody is willing to pay for some of this stuff.
Alles Hier Frei zu Nehmen!
Liebe Mitbewohnerinnen/Mitbewohner,
Der hier gestellte Rest ist Shareware. Bitte nehmen was Sie wollen, entweder für Ihre persönliche Gebrauch oder weiter zu verkaufen.
Soll etwas Ihnen möglicherweise besonders gefallen, dann bitte ich Sie um einer kleiner, nicht erfordernden Spende.
--Vielen Dank und alles Beste,
[Konto-Nr., BLZ, Kreditinstitution]
My guess is that I'll get maybe one, but more likely no, donations. This is a student building, and people here are big fans of free. On the other hand, they are people I know well, so there may be a personal proximity factor at work that may encourage them to give a couple Euros. Time will tell.
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