Freitag, Dezember 03, 2004

You Broke It!!

Or, rather, I did.

My internet connection, that is.

Somehow, sweeping the dust out of my room shorted out my cable modem. Now my tiny little apartment is just that much smaller, with no Internet connection to the outside world. Really, this is a good thing (except for not being about to download web-series and watch the Daily Show), for it means that I will now focus on doing the reading that I should have done a long time ago.

So, for the time being, all communication will now take place over the phone! Exciting! It's like 1987 all over again! (I'm really glad that I bought that 5m. cable for my telephone - it seemed like a silly thing at the time, but now . . . .)

If you're trying to get in contact with me, I'll only be checking my email on Mo./Mi./Fri. for the time being. Email if you desperately (1) need some other way of contacting me, and I'll get you some digits.

In the meantime, take this chance to read Mimis Smartypants (who is much funnier than I) or catch up in the archives. Did you miss these "classics"?

Snow Falling in Flurries
I misinterpret a word and have an unintentionally hilarious conversation about a fish
In which I hear a Grandious Organ Concert and Mock the Political Intentions of Veg-etables

----------End Notes----------
1. You're not really that desperate, though, are you?